Kinder Mind Affordable Therapy Program

Affordable Therapy Program Rates

We at Kinder Mind are proud to offer low-cost, affordable individual, couple, and family therapy. With our Affordable Therapy Program, we offer top-notch mental health care for all. You may utilize our Affordable Therapy Program even if you have insurance, but have a high deductible. We have many Practicum Providers and can help ensure you get matched with the best provider to fit your therapy needs. Our Practicum providers are currently working on completing their master’s level education. All of our Practicum providers work under the supervision of a Board Approved Professional Supervisor.



Free 15 Minute Minor/Teen Consultation


Free 15 Minute Adult Consultation


30 Minute Individual Therapy Session


45 Minute Individual Therapy Session


60 Minute Individual Therapy Session


60 Minute Couples Therapy Session


60 Minute Family Therapy Session


A message from our founder…

"Enhancing overall societal well-being involves promoting access to mental health services. Resilience plays a pivotal role in helping individuals overcome challenges and setbacks. To foster a more resilient humanity, our focus should begin with cultivating resilient individuals. The cornerstone of achieving this objective lies in providing accessible and affordable mental healthcare for all.”

- Dr. Elizabeth Barlow, LCSW-S

Empowering Minds: Kinder Mind Affordable Therapy Program

In a world where the importance of mental health is increasingly recognized, access to affordable therapy becomes a critical aspect of ensuring well-being for all. The Kinder Mind Affordable Therapy program stands out as a beacon of hope, offering individuals the opportunity to connect with Practicum Intern providers at an affordable rate of just $1 per minute. This initiative aims to break down barriers and make mental health support accessible to a broader audience.

Affordable Therapy for Everyone

The Kinder Mind Affordable Therapy program is a testament to the belief that mental health care should be inclusive and accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances. Priced at an unprecedented $1 per minute, this program prioritizes affordability without compromising on the quality of therapeutic services. The financial barrier that often deters individuals from seeking professional help is dismantled, allowing a more extensive and diverse clientele to benefit from therapy.

Benefits of Mental Health Therapy

Mental health therapy is a powerful tool for personal growth, resilience, and overall well-being. It provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore their thoughts and emotions, develop coping strategies, and navigate life's challenges. Therapy can help manage stress, improve relationships, and enhance self-awareness. The Kinder Mind Affordable Therapy program recognizes these benefits and strives to make them accessible to everyone.

Specially Trained Practicum Therapists

Central to the success of the Kinder Mind program is the utilization of Practicum Intern providers who undergo specialized training to meet the unique needs of clients. Kinder Mind ensures that their Practicum therapists are equipped with the latest knowledge, best practices, and evidence-based interventions in the field of mental health. This commitment to ongoing training ensures that clients receive high-quality, up-to-date care that aligns with the ever-evolving landscape of mental health.

Up-to-Date Knowledge and Evidence-Based Interventions

One of the distinguishing features of Practicum therapists at Kinder Mind is their commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in the field. With access to the most up-to-date research, best practices, and evidence-based interventions, these therapists are well-equipped to provide effective and tailored support to their clients. This commitment to excellence ensures that individuals seeking therapy through the Kinder Mind Affordable Therapy program receive the best possible care.

Finding Affordable Therapy Near You

For those searching for affordable therapy, Kinder Mind is the answer. Whether you type "affordable therapy," "therapy near me," or "therapy now" into your search engine, Kinder Mind aims to be your top result. The program's dedication to affordability, combined with the expertise of Practicum therapists, makes it a go-to destination for individuals seeking accessible mental health support.

In conclusion, the Kinder Mind Affordable Therapy program is a groundbreaking initiative that prioritizes mental health accessibility. By offering individuals the chance to connect with specially trained Practicum therapists at an affordable rate, Kinder Mind is paving the way for a more inclusive and supportive mental health landscape. As the importance of mental health gains recognition, initiatives like these play a crucial role in ensuring that no one is left behind on their journey to well-being.